Welcome to The 5th Life and Environmental Sciences Academics Forum (LEAF) 2024 in conjunction with AUA Academic Conference on the Application of Sustainable Life:  Balancing Science, Technology, and Human Development

It is a great honor for us to welcome you to The 5th Life and Environmental Sciences Academics Forum (LEAF) 2024 in conjunction with AUA Academic Conference on the Application of Sustainable Life:  Balancing Science, Technology, and Human Development. With the success of the previous conference, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (FMIPA UI) proudly presents this year’s LEAF conference series.

This year, the conference will be held in full offline format on the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Indonesia, Jawa Barat.  Today, the world is dealing with life science and crucial environmental issues. From pollution, climate change, deforestation to the biodiversity loss and health issue. In some countries, one of the main causes is human overpopulation. Particularly in Indonesia, environmental problems are closely related to the significant increase of population density. These problems need to be addressed by the scientists, to work out good solutions and offer contributions.

A good platform for a scientific gathering to stimulate a respectful dialogue is highly demanded.  Since its founding in 2017, the LEAF conference series has served its main purpose: facilitating a convenient platform where academics, scholars, and researchers from any environmental-related disciplines can meet, build networking, and develop new collaborations.

This event allows scholars to present their works, exchange ideas and discuss their most recent research findings and foster a conducive environment. We warmly welcome students, academics, and researchers to register and have a rewarding experience from this event.

For AUA member universities, there will be a registration fee waiver available with limited slots.


Prof. Jatna Supriatna

Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Rosli Ramli

Universiti Malaya, Malaysia


Dr. Yong Kien Thai

Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Sita Virakul, Ph.D.

Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Dr. Abang Mansyursyah Surya Nugraha

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Associate Prof. Dr. Muggundha Raoov

Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Dr. rer. nat. Yasman

Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia





The selected paper that will be published, must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. Papers which are not presented at the conference shall be deemed “no-show”.



  • The registration fee for International participant is as follows:
  • Publication fee in BIO Web of Conferences** (Indexed by Scopus) for accepted paper is USD 150.


All basic and applied science on the area of:

A. Environmental Monitoring, Modeling, Data Analysis, and Assessment.

Scope: Discuss methods and technologies for monitoring and assessing environmental parameters such as air quality, water quality, soil health, and biodiversity.

Key Topics:

  • Advanced monitoring techniques (remote sensing, IoT sensors).
  • Data analysis and modeling for environmental assessment.
  • Case studies on environmental monitoring projects.
  • New technologies for real-time environmental monitoring.

B. Climate Change and Mitigation:

Scope: Explore research on climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, and mitigation efforts, including renewable energy and carbon sequestration.

Key Topics:

  • Climate change impact assessments.
  • Adaptation strategies for vulnerable communities.
  • Renewable energy technologies and implementation.
  • Carbon capture and storage (CCS) techniques.

C. Biodiversity Conservation:

Scope: Discuss efforts to protect and conserve ecosystems, endangered species, and biodiversity hotspots, as well as technology for sustainable solutions and bioprospecting.

Key Topics:

  • Conservation strategies for endangered species.
  • Ecosystem restoration and management.
  • Bioprospecting for sustainable development.
  • Technological innovations in biodiversity conservation.

D. Green Technology and Nanotechnology for Environmental Purposes:

Scope: Showcase innovations in clean energy, energy efficiency, eco-friendly technologies, sustainable materials, and manufacturing, waste management and recycling, and nanotechnology applications.

Key Topics:

  • Clean energy technologies (solar, wind, bioenergy).
  • Sustainable materials and manufacturing processes.
  • Waste management and recycling innovations.
  • Environmental applications of nanotechnology.

E. Health and Well-being:

Scope: Explore the impact of environmental factors on health and well-being, including biomedical, biochemistry, biophysics, bioengineering, and biotechnology advancements.

Key Topics:

  • Health impacts of environmental pollutants.
  • Biomedical technologies for environmental health.
  • Advances in bioengineering and biotechnology.
  • Biophysics and biochemistry of environmental interactions.

F. Earth Science and Environmental Science:

Scope: Cover a broad range of topics related to Earth sciences and environmental sciences, including geological, atmospheric, hydrological, and ecological studies.

Key Topics:

  • Geological processes and natural hazards.
  • Atmospheric science and weather patterns.
  • Hydrology and water resource management.
  • Ecosystem dynamics and environmental changes.

G. Geoscience and Geography:

Scope: Explore the physical and human aspects of geography and geosciences, including the study of Earth’s processes, landforms, and the interaction between humans and their environment.

Key Topics:

  • Physical geography (landforms, climate, vegetation).
  • Human geography (urbanization, population dynamics, cultural landscapes).
  • Geosciences (geology, geophysics, geochemistry).
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing applications.


Steering Committee

  • Prof. Dede Djuhana, Ph.D. (Universitas Indonesia)
  • Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Budiawan (Universitas Indonesia)
  • Dr. Tito Latif Indra (Universitas Indonesia)

Advisory Board & Scientific Committee

  • Prof. Dr. Jatna Supriatna (Universitas Indonesia)
  • Prof. Dr. Dimyati (Universitas Indonesia)
  • Prof. Anom Bowolaksono, Ph.D. (Universitas Indonesia)
  • Prof. Ryota Nagasawa (Tottori University, Japan)

Organizing Committee

  • Dr. Windri Handayani
  • Dr. Dipo Aldila
  • Dr. Reza Syahputra
  • Dr. Ade Irma Elvira
  • Tety Maryenti, Ph.D.
  • Aprilia Inggri Astuti, M.Si.
  • Yustin Sinta Dewi, S.Si.
  • Evi Nurvianti, A.Md.
  • Fariz Hafizi Roihan, S.Sn.
  • Dipo Yudhis Rana


For questions regarding the scientific programme please contact:

Dr. Windri Handayani
Phone: +62-859-2454-5075

For technical questions regarding the registration and submission please contact:

The 5th LEAF 2024 Committee
Email: leaf_5th@sci.ui.ac.id
Phone: +62-813-1899-3967 (CP: Ms. Aprilia, Whatsapp only)
Office Hours: 08.00 am – 04.00 pm / Monday – Friday


*registration fee waiver available with limited slots
**in confirmation